Maintenance Safety
With years of experience developing safety strategies and assessing work place safety, AVMAC can inspect, review and recommend changes to improve workplace productivity and safety. Familiar with OSHA, NFPA and ISO standards and requirements, AVMAC services can include work place assessment for both environmental and industrial, as well as cultural, hazards and risks.
Products and services include:
Work place safety assessments (which can include)
- Shipboard and Ashore
- Electrical Safety
- Hearing Conservation
- Eye Sight Conservation
- Maintenance equipment assessments
- Recommendations to mitigate risks and hazards
- Follow-up services
Copyright © 2024 AVMAC LLC. All Rights Reserved | AVMAC LLC | 409 Innovation Drive | Chesapeake, VA 23320-3838 | (757) 995-2029 |
NAICS: 336411, 336611, 488190, 541330, 541715, 561210 | CAGE: 5KFM0 | UEID: HLLKJP6ZVFB3
AVMAC LLC Copyright Contact Information:
Copyrights Infringement Notification: If you believe that any content posted on AVMAC LLC's Website infringes copyright, you may send us a notification including all relevant information: Notification of copyright infringement.
Copyright Notification Guidelines: AVMAC LLC respects third party's copyright, and it is our policy to respond to all notifications about copyright infringement as established by applicable regulations. Once the notification complying with these Guidelines is received, AVMAC LLC may remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material or adopt further action that we consider appropriate.
Copyright infringement notifications must meet the following requirements: The handwritten or electronic signature of the person submitting the notification; Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works, a list of such works; Identification of the material claimed to be infringing and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, as well as sufficient information to allow AVMAC LLC to locate that material; Information to allow AVMAC LLC to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if possible, an email address; A statement that the complaining party has reason to believe that the use of the material is not authorized by the copyright owner or the law; A statement that the information in the notification is accurate and true. AVMAC LLC will follow the procedure provided by applicable regulations to ensure compliance with copyright. When a proper notification complying with the conditions above is received, AVMAC LLC will remove or disable access to infringing materials as soon as possible. AVMAC LLC will not necessarily send a confirmation regarding the removal/disabling.