Program Support Services

Program Support

Standing ready to support any aviation or shipboard program, whether a new acquisition program or an active program of record, AVMAC has the practical experience in this arena to meet warfighters’ expectations. We can support government service (Army/Navy/Marine Corps/Air Force/Coast Guard) needs to the contractor to ensure quality and fully integrated products at delivery.

Conversely, we articulate contractor visions to the services ensuring products and deliverables are beneficial to all. Bringing views from the deckplate, AVMAC’s practical fleet experience and location at the fleet and service hub of Hampton Roads, Virginia, lends itself to customer interactions and representation.

Services include:

  • Meeting facilitation and coordination
  • ILS Team facilitation and participation
  • Risk Management Boards facilitation and participation
  • Strategic reviews
  • Milestone coordination
  • Developing Navy Mission Essential Tasks (NMETs) and Navy Task Analysis (NTA) criteria

Commander Naval Air Forces, Atlantic (CNAL)

AVMAC, previously a Prime awardee, is currently a Subcontractor for the Commander Naval Air Forces, Atlantic (CNAL) contract in Norfolk, Virginia. Our current record of work includes:

  • Providing AMMRL and Calibration management of 27 Intermediate Maintenance Activities (IMAs), ten aircraft carriers, nine L-Class Ships, and approximately 400 shore and sea-based activities consisting of 2,200 aircraft
  • Assisting in development of SE logistics program policies; providing technical advice on the interpretation/implementation of SE logistics policies issued by higher authority
  • Exercising management and control for Naval Air Forces’ Metrology and Calibration (METCAL) Program
  • Coordinating and liaising with CVNs undergoing RCOH/PIA to offload, account, store reinstall and verify all AIMD test benches/SE/IMRL

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