In-Service Engineering Support Services

In-service Engineering Support

AVMAC provides engineering support to project engineers, developing realistic scenarios and fielding perspectives to ensure accurate assumptions are made up front in the design process.

AVMAC provides review of any design or drawing for aviation and aviation support products (i.e. Support Equipment, Facilities, Shipboard Spaces, etc.). AVMAC assists on any project to develop and manufacture equipment and stand by to team with any vendor or buyer to fully analyze and integrate their product(s).

Examples of engineering support include:

  • Teaming for Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grants
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Integrated Process Team Member
  • Capability Development Document Review
  • RAST (OEM Equivalent) work

Recovery Assist, Secure and Traverse (RAST)

AVMAC is the U.S. Navy’s Recovery Assist, Secure and Traverse (RAST) system Subject Matter Expert. During availability periods, AVMAC provides “turn-key” maintenance for the RAST system including inspections, testing, repairs, and replacement of any/all identified faulty or worn components. Additionally, AVMAC prepares all air capable ships’ aviation systems for AVCERT.

Specific maintenance tasks for the RAST system during availability periods may include:

  1. Inspection and cleaning of the RAST system components, such as sheaves, bearings, and cables
  2. Lubrication of moving parts to ensure smooth operation
  3. Replacement of any worn or damaged components, such as the wire ropes or hydraulic hoses
  4. Testing of the electrical and hydraulic systems to ensure they are functioning properly
  5. Verification of the RAST system’s load capacity and ability to safely handle helicopters and cargo

Recent RAST Repairs include: 

  • CG 58: RAST sheave repair
  • CG 60: RAST track plate, side plate and trough; preserve oversight
  • CG 64: RAST track plate, side plate and trough; repair and preserve RAST system
  • DDG 84: Down sheave axle and shaft fabrication
  • DDG 98: RAST system, RSD install
  • DDG 107: RAST hydraulic oil system flush, traverse pump test, port and STBD RSD test, RAST recertification
  • DDG 113: RAST comprehensive system flush

It is recommended that maintenance on the RAST system during availability periods be performed by trained and experienced personnel following the manufacturer’s guidelines and the Navy’s maintenance policies and procedures.