AVMAC has been named a #TopWorkplace by Inside Business for 3rd year in a row!

Chesapeake, Washington, August 15, 2022 -- AVMAC has been awarded a Top Workplaces 2022 honor by Hampton Roads Inside Business Top Workplaces. The list is solely based on employee feedback gathered through a third-party survey administered by employee engagement technology partner Energage LLC. The anonymous survey uniquely measures 15 culture drivers that are critical to the success of any organization: including alignment, execution, and connection--just to name a few.
"Earning a Top Workplaces award is a badge of honor for companies, especially because it comes authentically from their employees," says Eric Rubino, Energage CEO. "That's something to be proud of. In today's market, leaders must ensure they're allowing employees to have a voice and be heard. That's paramount. Top Workplaces do this, and it pays dividends."
Bert Ortiz, AVMAC's President and CEO said: "This marks our third consecutive award as a Top Workplace, which is extra special to myself and Don Buzard because it comes from our employees. We are extremely grateful and humbled by the successes we have achieved as a company and owe it to our extremely dedicated, knowledgeable, and talented veteran work force team. Thank you all for making this happen and congratulations!"
AVMAC provides aviation and maritime program management, technical and logistics support and consulting services to the government and private industry. Our veteran centric focus delivers quality products and services at the best value to our customers.
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